Birds of Tobago


Trinidad Motmot
Barred Antshrike
Copper Rumped Hummingbird

The islands of Trinidad and Tobago enjoy a rich diversity of bird species thanks to their close proximity to mainland Venezuela. Although neighbouring Trinidad has considerably more species than Tobago, there are plenty of highly visible, exciting colourful species to be seen on Tobago and its nearby islands.

The beautiful blue and green colours of the Trinidad Motmot are easily spotted in Tobago, along with many different species of tanager, including the eye-catching Blue-Gray Tanager. Other interesting birds to spot include the Spectacled Thrush and the Barred Antshrike. The national bird of Tobago is the Cocrico or Rufous-vented Chacalaca, and these noisy birds can often be heard early in the morning as they forage in flocks and are similar in appearance to a pheasant.

Ruby Topaz Hummingbird

There are numerous attractive hummingbird species on Tobago and these mesmerising birds are well worth seeking out, there are several places with hummingbird feeders where you can ensure you spot our favourites the stunning Ruby Topaz, White-necked Jacobin and the Blue-chinned Emerald.

Head inland for a stay at Cuffie River Nature Retreat or take a guided trip into the Main Ridge Forest Reserve for a chance to see the pretty Rufous-tailed Jacamar, the Blue-backed Manakin with its fascinating courtship dance and the White-tailed Sabrewing which is a hummingbird that is endemic to Tobago.

Red-billed Tropicbird

At the northeastern tip of the island you can visit Little Tobago, best done with a bird guide, or at least make sure you have a telescope. From the island you can spot the majestic Red-billed Tropicbird, Magnificent frigates, rare Red-footed Boobies and Brown Boobies nesting on neighbouring islets. The Audubon Shearwater also nests on the island, and there is a good chance of spotting motmots and trogons whilst walking to the lookout.

For serious birdwatchers you will want to stay a couple of days on Trinidad or take a daytrip. A chance to visit the Asa Wright Nature Centre to witness their diversity of species and to take an evening boat tour to the Caroni Swamp to witness the flocks of Scarlet Ibis coming to roost, particularly between October and March.

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