Getting There

Flights to Tobago

Between November and March British Airways currently fly twice a week to Tobago on a Tuesday and a Friday, the flight takes 9 hours and stops in Antigua for an hour en route, passengers remain on the plane. Over the summer months from April to October British Airways currently flies once a week on a Friday.

Via Trinidad

In March 2023 British Airways has started flying to the neighbouring island of Trinidad three times a week on a Tuesday, Thursday and a Sunday, these are direct flights. Caribbean Airlines run regular flights from Trinidad to Tobago, a short journey away.

Getting Around

The island of Tobago is approximately 25 miles long and 6 miles wide and driving from Crown Point in the south to Speyside in the north takes approximately one hour and thirty minutes. There several car hire places in Crown Point and around the island, there are also local tour operators that can do daytrips around the island. Caribbean Airlines operates regular flights to the neighbouring island of Trinidad which is located 22 miles southwest of Tobago and there is also a ferry service.

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